Through my window
Good morning everybody! Today we are going to write a short text between 12 and 14 lines of what you see through your window using the model that you can see below.
If you want to look for some new words you have some dictionaries on the right side of the blog.
When you finish send the text to me. You can use the word program, you can write the text in the email or even make a picture to the text on your notebook.
Buenos días a todos. Espero que os encontréis todos bien.
Hoy vamos a escribir un texto de entre 12 y 14 líneas sobre lo que vemos a través de la ventana como el modelo que tenéis debajo. Si necesitáis buscar alguna palabra nueva os dejo algunos diccionarios digitales a los que podéis acudir en la parte derecha del blog.
Mandadme el texto por email. Me lo podéis mandar a través de word, escrito directamente en el email o a través de una foto que hagáis a vuestro cuaderno. Si queréis lo podéis acompañar de un dibujo.
Por favor procurad mandármelo antes del último día de abril. Sé que están siendo días difíciles y que os estáis esforzando mucho. Mucho ánimo, ya queda un poquito menos.
Yesterday´s worksheet answers
Ex 1.
- Written
- Bought
- Arrived
- Done
- Watched
- Taken
- Flown
- Listened
- Swum
- Carried
- Talked
- Tidied
Ex 2.
- She has just made a pie
- Mickey has just kissed Minnie
- I have already bought a tractor.
- It hasn´t eaten the bone yet.
- Has he ever done a magic trick?
- She has never passed his exams
- We have ridden our bike for a long time
- Have you ever seen a dragon?
Tuesday´s answers (Page 76 ex. 1)
PRIMARY SECTOR (fishing, forestry)
SECONDDARY SECTOR (construction indutries, base industries)
TERTIARY SECTOR (education, tourism, media and communication)
Today we are going to do the exercise 2 on page 76
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