jueves, 30 de abril de 2020



Buenos días. Espero que estéis bien. Hoy es día no lectivo, pero para aquellos que lo deseen os dejo una actividad voluntaria para repasar las horas y las rutinas diarias. La actividad se corrige en la página cuando las terminéis. No hace falta que me enviéis los resultados. 

Para poder acceder a las actividades tenéis que pinchar en el link que aparece debajo de las imágenes.

Daily routines + telling the time

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020



Read the information on page 70 (only the page 70) in your book, copy the chart that you see below in your notebook and do the exercises 1 and 2 on page 71. 

*There is a mistake in the diagram. The light travels 300.000km/second.

martes, 28 de abril de 2020



Monday´s answers. Activity Book Pg. 71
EX 1

  1. Yet
  2. Already
  3. Yet
  4. Yet
  5. Already
  6. Yet
EX 2
  1. Yes, I´ve already been shopping
  2. No, I haven´t swept the floor yet.
  3. No, I haven´t served the drinks yet.
  4. Yes, I´ve already asked my mum.
  5. No, I haven´t made the posters yet.
  6. Yes, I ´ve already sent the invitations.
Today we will read the comic on page 79 in your Pupil´s Book called "Finding a cure"
In your notebook copy the words that you don´t understand and look for their definitions.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2020



Answers. Tuesday 23th.


  • a) Tertiary
  • b) Secondary
  • c) Secondary
  • d) Tertiary
  • e) Primary
  • f) Primary
Today we are going to complete the exercises 3 and 4 on pg 77.
In the exercise 4 the instructions tell you to classify the activities involved in the production of milk chocolate production. They refer to activities like growing, harvesting, fermenting...that you can find in the text. There are 8 activities in total.



The secret code that you had to solve the previous day is: "The fifht grade students are doing a fantastic job during quarantine"

Today we are going to read the conversation on page 78, ex. 1 in your pupil´s book. And the the exercises 1 and 2 on 71 in the activity book.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2020



Today we are going to solve a secret code. We need to substitute each symbol by the letters below. Write the sentence in your notebook.

In addition, watch this video paying special attention at the new vocabulary that you can read in the minute 1:42


Today we will concentrate on opaque objects.

Opaque objects are the objects that doesn´t allow any light to pass through.

As you can see the object that this boy is holding in his hands is opaque.

In your notebook write 3 or 4 opaque objects that you now.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020



Through my window
Good morning everybody! Today we are going to write a short text between 12 and 14 lines of what you see through your window using the model that you can see below.  
If you want to look for some new words you have some dictionaries on the right side of the blog. 
When you finish send the text to me. You can use the word program, you can write the text in the email or even make a picture to the text on your notebook.

Buenos días a todos. Espero que os encontréis todos bien.
Hoy vamos a escribir un texto de entre 12 y 14 líneas sobre lo que vemos a través de la ventana como el modelo que tenéis debajo. Si necesitáis buscar alguna palabra nueva os dejo algunos diccionarios digitales a los que podéis acudir en la parte derecha del blog.
Mandadme el texto por email. Me lo podéis mandar a través de word, escrito directamente en el email o a través de una foto que hagáis a vuestro cuaderno. Si queréis lo podéis acompañar de un dibujo. 
Por favor procurad mandármelo antes del último día de abril. Sé que están siendo días difíciles y que os estáis esforzando mucho. Mucho ánimo, ya queda un poquito menos.

Yesterday´s worksheet answers
Ex 1.
  1. Written
  2. Bought
  3. Arrived
  4. Done
  5. Watched
  6. Taken
  7. Flown
  8. Listened
  9. Swum
  10. Carried
  11. Talked
  12. Tidied
Ex 2. 
  1. She has just made a pie
  2. Mickey has just kissed Minnie
  3. I have already bought a tractor.
  4. It hasn´t eaten the bone yet.
  5. Has he ever done a magic trick?
  6. She has never passed his exams
  7. We have ridden our bike for a long time
  8. Have you ever seen a dragon?

Tuesday´s answers (Page 76 ex. 1)

PRIMARY SECTOR (fishing, forestry)
SECONDDARY SECTOR (construction indutries, base industries)
TERTIARY SECTOR (education, tourism, media and communication)

Today we are going to do the exercise 2 on page 76



Complete the following exercises in you notebook. In the exercise number 1 you have to write the past participle of these verbs. In the exercise 2 you will complete the sentences using the verbs below.


Today we will only concentrate on translucent objects.

Translucent objects are the objects that allow ONLY SOME light to pass through

As you can see the object that this boy is holding in his hands is translucent.

In your notebook write 3 or 4 translucent objects that you now.

martes, 21 de abril de 2020


Buenos días! Espero que estéis bien. Os dejo en esta entrada las tareas que ha mandado Raquel hasta ahora. 

1. Fichas de refuerzo de Lengua y matemáticas.Si podéis hacerles una foto y mandármelas os lo agradecería.

2. Kahhot de repaso.

3. Descripción de una persona. Si lo habéis hecho en mural, haced una foto y me la mandáis, y si lo habéis hecho en pdf me lo mandáis igualmente. Si hacéis la parte oral, os grabáis en vídeo y me lo mandáis.

4. Anuncio. Podéis hacerlo de lo que queráis, inventado, y si es algo real, inventaros un anuncio diferente al que ya exista. Podéis coger ideas del libro del 2º trimestre de lengua páginas 170-171.

5. Resumen del Libro de los Austrias. Ya leímos el libro en clase y la salida a Madrid está pendiente. Podéis hacer un esquema o resumen, o bien del libro en general, o por capítulos.
Para ayudaros a hacer los resúmenes tenéis el libro de lengua del 3º trimestre en las páginas 210-211, una explicación de cómo hacerlos bien.

6. Resumen de los capítulos 1, 2 y 3 de Manolito Gafotas.

Kahhot de repaso:

Lengua - Repaso unidad 1 - 5A
Código: 09073452

Lengua - Repaso unidad 2 - 5A
Código: 0193192

Lengua - Repaso unidad 3 - 5A
Código: 03213252

Lengua - Repaso unidad 4 - 5A
Código: 02187962

Lengua - Repaso unidad 5 - 5A
Código: 04390851

Lengua - Repaso unidad 6 - 5A
Código: 06397939

Lengua - Repaso unidad 7 - 5A
Código: 03135218

Lengua - Repaso unidad 1 - 5B
Código: 05734173

Lengua - Repaso unidad 2 - 5B
Código: 06476250

Lengua - Repaso unidad 3 - 5B
Código: 02763300

Lengua - Repaso unidad 4 - 5B
Código: 02535114

Lengua - Repaso unidad 5 - 5B
Código: 04609591

Lengua - Repaso unidad 6 - 5B
Código: 04515316

Lengua - Repaso unidad 7 - 5B
Código: 06924695

Mate - Repaso unidad 1 - 5A
Código: 02242722

Mate - Repaso unidad 2 - 5A
Código: 01067718

Mate - Repaso unidad 3 - 5A
Código: 0482130

Mate - Repaso unidad 4 - 5A
Código: 0941425

Mate - Repaso unidad 5 - 5A
Código: 08290890

Mate - Repaso unidad 6 - 5A
Código: 07988921

Mate - Repaso unidad 7 - 5A
Código: 03721091

Mate - Repaso unidad 8 - 5A
Código: 05902868

Mate - Repaso unidad 9 - 5A
Código: 05128351

Mate - Repaso unidad 10 - 5A
Código: 06871378

Mate - Repaso unidad 1 - 5B
Código: 03103870

Mate - Repaso unidad 2 - 5B
Código: 01359406

Mate - Repaso unidad 3 - 5B
Código: 04602222

Mate - Repaso unidad 4 - 5B
Código: 08945082

Mate - Repaso unidad 5 - 5B
Código: 05422646

Mate - Repaso unidad 6 - 5B
Código: 03613326

Mate - Repaso unidad 7 - 5B
Código: 07670873

Mate - Repaso unidad 8 - 5B
Código: 09773914

Mate - Repaso unidad 9 - 5B
Código: 04181076

Mate - Repaso unidad 10 - 5B
Código: 06824460




Today we are going to start with a new section of our blog called word of the day.
Koby recorded some audios for us about the word of the day.
Listen to the audio.

WORD OF THE DAY: anxious (adjective)
EXAMPLE: the ninja is never anxious
MEANING: feeling or showing worry
SYNONYM: worried or nervous

Now, in your notebook write an affirmative sentence using the word of the day.


Review what we learnt about the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors and do the exercise 1 on page 76.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020



Read the following charts and write two sentences in your notebook using the word yet in present perfect and two sentences using the word already in present perfect.


In this term we are going to review the concepts of transparent, translucent and opaque. Today we will only concentrate on transparent objects.

First let´s watch this video as an introduction of these concepts.

Transparent objects are the objects that allow all the light to pass through

As you can see the object that this boy is holding in his hands is transparent.

In your notebook write 3 or 4 transparent objects that you now.

jueves, 16 de abril de 2020


Buenos días a todos espero que estéis bien. Respecto a la entrega de tareas que voy mandando, no hace falta que me las entreguéis. De momento sólo necesito que las vayáis corrigiendo con las respuestas que voy publicando. Más adelante sí necesitaré que me enviéis alguna tarea, pero cuando lo necesite lo especificaré en el blog. 
Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra colaboración estos días y mucho ánimo. 



Today we are going to review the new concepts in English and social science.


Let´s review the words ALREADY and YET.

Examples using already:
  • Nicolás has already finished his homework.
  • She has already eaten her breakfast.
Remember that we use already in POSITIVE (+) sentences BETWEEN the verbs or at the END. 

Examples using yet:
  • María hasn´t finished her homework yet.
  • Has Marcos finished his homework yet?
Remember that we use yet NEGATIVE (no)  and INTERROGATIVE (?) sentences at the end of the sentence.

Remember what we learnt about the primary, secondary and tertiary sector. Read the following table to review it.

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020



Today we are going to learn how to use the words ALREADY AND YET.

We use it to emphasise that we expect something to happen soon. 
Yet is used in negative sentences and questions.

These are some examples with the word yet. It can be translated as "todavía" in negative sentences or as "ya" in questions.
Have you finished your homework yet?

I haven't finished it yet. I'll do it after dinner.

Where's Sam? He hasn't arrived yet.

Yet comes at the end of the sentence or question.

Already used with the present perfect means 'before now'. We use it to emphasise that something happened before something else or earlier than expected. 
It can be translated as "ya" in Spanish.

I have already spent my money.

He wanted to see Harry Potter but I have already seen it.

Already can come between the auxiliary (have) and the main verb or at the end of the clause.
In the following video we can understand them a little bit better    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qa-GiJtOz8&t=63s
Now we are going to copy the grammar wall that you can find on page 78 in your notebook.
Answers to yesterday`s questions:
A.B Pg. 70 
Ex. 1 .
1. Choose the music 2. Blow up ballons 3. Sweep the floor 4. Make a cake 5. Sell tickets 6. Decorate the room 7. put out the food 8. Go shopping
Ex. 2.
1. Make a poster 2. Serve drinks 3. Clean the furniture 4. Put out the food 5. (Example) write the time and place of the party and on a piece of paper and give it to your friend 6. (Example) mix flour, butter, eggs and sugar together and bake.
Today we are going to concentrate on insulator and conductor materials.
  • INSULATOR. Materials that are good at keeping things hot or cold are called insulators. During the winter we wear fabrics like the wool that is an insulator to trap the heat around the body.
  • CONDUCTOR. These materials are good at allow heat to pass through them. For example the metal in the saucepan.

This video can help you to understand conductor and insulator materials.

This second video is an experiment. You can try it in your house, but always with your parents. In the experiment you can observe how the butter melts in the metal spoon because metal is a good conductor of the heat. 

Tuesday 14th answers:

PG 67
EX 2: Without the sun, the Earth would be a cold, dark place. There would be no plants, no photosynthesis, no oxygen, and as a result no higher life forms.

Ex 6: 
  • LIGHT: torch, light bulb 
  • HEAT: radiator, hair dryer
  • BOTH: Fire, candle and also light bulb is possible

martes, 14 de abril de 2020



Today we are going to do ACTIVITY BOOK PG 70 EX. 1 AND 2


  1. Blow up a balloon
  2. Decorate the room
  3. Send invitations
  4. Clean the furniture
  5. Choose the music
  6. Make posters
  7. Sell tickets
  8. Make a cake


In this unit we are going to study the economy and the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.

There are hundreds of jobs and occupations such as farmers, teachers, waiters, etc. They can classified in 3 main areas:

1. PRIMARY SECTOR: it means working on the extraction of natural resources for example mining, farming or fishing.


2. SECONDARY SECTOR: using the raw materials that are taken in the primary sector and        transforming them into products that people can use. For example construction industries or energy industries

3. TERTIARY SECTOR: is also known as the services sector because it provides services to the customers. For example education, tourism or transport.


Good morning everybody! I hope you are all well. Welcome to the third term!
During this term we will work English daily and natural and social science in an alternative way, which means that one day we will study natural and the next day we will focus on social. Also, the natural answers will be given in the natural sciences days and the social answers in the social science days.

Buenos días a todos, espero que estéis bien. Bienvenidos al tercer trimestre.
Durante este trimestre trabajaremos inglés de forma diaria y natural science y social science de forma alternativa. Cada día estudiaremos una de ellas. Las respuestas las daremos los días que nos toque esa asignatura, es decir, cuando tengamos social veremos las respuestas del día anterior de social, y cuando estudiemos natural veremos las respuestas de día anterior de natural. 

Now let´s focus on our tasks!


Review the vocabulary on page 118. Preparing for a party. Do the exercise 3 in the pupil´s book page 76  in your notebook, only look and match.


Today we are going to pay attention to the IMPORTANCE OF THE SUN.

Can you imagine how would be the earth without the sun?
The sun is the main source of energy of the earth. 

  1. The Sun is very important in the plant’s growth. The Sun helps the plants to make their own food by the photosynthesis process.
  2. The Sun is very necessary for the other living organisms that it provides us with light for the vision in order to see things.
  3. The Sun provides us with the heat to warm our bodies.
  4. The ٍSun provides some animals and humans with food as it helps the plants to make its own food by the photosynthesis process.
  5. The Sun is very important in the formation of the clouds, the rain and the winds.

So, we can`t live on Earth without the Sun.

Now, read the text on page 66 and answer the questions 2 and 6 on page 67.

jueves, 2 de abril de 2020


Buenos días a todos. Espero que estéis todos bien.
Durante estas vacaciones de semana santa no voy a mandar tareas de forma diaria en el blog. Podéis repasar un poco si queréis lo que hemos visto hasta ahora y acceder a los links de las páginas de youtube de los vídeos que están en la parte derecha del blog, para ver algún vídeo que os resulte interesante o terminar alguna tarea que no hayáis podido hacer. Por último me gustaría recomedaros que veáis alguna serie y/o película en inglés si tenéis esta posibilidad.

Gracias por vuestra colaboración durante todos estos días. Sé que son días complicados para todos.
Un abrazo.

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

Jueves 2 de marzo
Watch the following clip from a movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnwwo9Zol6w

Do the test on the following link. https://www.daypo.com/social-science-quinto.html#test It contains 9 questions some of them about the unit 4 and a some others about the unit 3, in some of them you have to choose the correct answer but in some another you need to match pairs. At the end of the test, the questions that you didn´t answer correctly will be repeated. It is a self evaluation test.    

Realización del test que encontraréis en el siguiente link. https://www.daypo.com/social-science-quinto.html#test
El test tiene 9 preguntas, algunas tipo test en las que tendréis que seleccionar la respuesta correcta y en otra tendréis que unir las dos partes de una misma frase. Después de haber terminado el test, las preguntas que hayáis contestado de forma incorrecta volverán a aparecer. Es un test de autoevaluación y os servirá para saber las preguntas que habéis fallado y ver qué partes tenéis que repasar un poco más. No tenéis que mandarme nada.

Answers to exercises 1 to 5 Pg 40 and 41 Book Transportation Then and Now
EX 1.
1 high-speed train
2 steam train
3 articulated bus
4 tanker truck
5 bus
6 refrigerator truck
EX 2.
1. 150
2. 300
3. 9,288
4. 160
5. 200
EX 3.
1. steam trains 2. underground trains 3. diesel trains 4. high- speed trains
EX 4.
1. coal 2. coal, water 3. water, steam 4. steam, engine 5. engine
EX 5.
1. They built it in Wales in the United Kingdom.
2. A car uses the most fuel per passenger.
3. It takes six days to travel across Russia.
4. It was in London in the United Kingdom.
5. Because people travelled on buses to get to work as cities became bigger.


Buenos días a todos en esta entrada me gustaría dejaros algunas recomendaciones para el verano. En primer lugar, me gustaría que terminaran ...